The isolated Isle of Bone off the coast of Scotland has inspired many legends in its time. People talk about the strange statues and stone circles found in the woods there, and the structures that predate any known human visitors.
Today, the isle is the home of Penwich manor, and its current owner, Sir Reginald Penwich. Originally built in the Scottish highlands, Sir Reginald had it relocated to the island decades ago, shortly before the death of his wife. Since then, he has lived there, never leaving the island and only seen by the manor's staff. There are no other settlers on the island, nor are there are any cell towers or phone lines, the only connection to the mainland is an old HAM radio and a ferry that visits every Monday to bring food.
As a result, the manor and Sir Reginald have also become a thing of rumour, with claims he is a cult leader or has been dead for years. Whatever the truth is, several people have received invitations to visit the manor and dine with Sir Reginald himself. What's more, each letter included a threat that if they do not attend Sir Reginald would reveal a troubling secret from their past to the other guests.
Upon arriving at the island, the guests find Sir Reginald dead in the dining hall, and the HAM radio missing. With no way to contact the mainland, the strangers are trapped together until the ferry returns after the weekend, but with haunted woods and a killer on the loose, who knows if they can survive until then...
In a hurry or new to Fiasco? Skip the setup stage by using the pregenerated choices below.
for 3 players use:
Romance -Married, for money not for love.
for 4 players add:
Family - Secret child / unsuspecting parent.
Manor staff - Germaphobe chef / cleaner who phones it in.
Secrets - Estranged friends with a dark, childhood secret.
for 5 players add:
(Almost) Strangers - Regulars in an anonymous conspiracy theorist chatroom.
for 3 players use:
To get away - ...with as much stuff as you can carry.
for 4 players add:
To get away - ...from it all and just relax for once.
for 3 players use:
The manor: sub-level - The empty room with no discernable use.
for 5 players add:
The manor: off limits - Sir Reginald's bedroom.
for 3 players use:
Writings - A map of the house detailing secret passages.